Death is the permanent termination of the biological functions that define a living organism.
How technical.
At RESQ, we deal with this technical word almost everyday.
Most times the animals come to us when they're in such a horrible state already. I wonder why people don't call us earlier than later, or I wish that we had found the animal sooner. Sometimes I think the animals just come to us, so that they can pass over peacefully in our kennel rather than on the street.
Sometimes they show so much improvement suddenly, make us all very happy, and the next day, go to heaven in their sleep. I think they're trying to tell us that "Hey look, we're doing better now and now that you're happy seeing me better, I'm going straight to Heaven, because thats where dogs live like kings. There's no pedigree or stray differentitation there, no people throwing stones, no cars scaring the living day lights out of us, lots of food and clean water, shelter and safe space for us to run free..........."
The last two and half years, we've seen so many dogs go out of our kennel happily, and some who come there and never leave.
No matter how much death I see, I never get used to it. I get better at dealing with it...and this blog post is for all my dear volunteers who witness this with RESQ as a daily part of their lives. The day I learnt to deal with death better is when I read this Sufi saying which states that: When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the soul laughs for what it has found.
I truly beleive our dogs are in a better place when they leave us.
Every dog that enters our kennel, gets a NAME. We form a bond with each and every living soul that comes into our RESQ life. I know that this bond we form helps heal the hundreds that we have. It always the ones that leave us suddenly - leave us with a hole in the heart. But remember: Death ends a life, not a relationship.
Our work goes on, and we will try to save as many as we can, do our best, and leave the rest to God. If nothing else, we help the animals on their stairway to Heaven.
Da Vinci said 'Our life is made by the death of others'. Its true. Think about it.
Rupal, Priyancka, Niketa, guys rock and are rock.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Chinese Whispers
Written by Sunil Uttam
(Psst the end, I added something!;))
It was past 9 when we got this call. Neha called me and said that there was a rescue and the dog had a cracked skull. While I prepared to leave for the rescue to Hadapsar, we started discussing the course of action (was a totally new situation for us). In addition the caller mentioned that the dog was apparently in a dark, jungle area with tall grass so we had to be doubly careful while doing this at this time of the night.
Nevertheless, I called the lady and tried to assess the situation over the phone. Apparently she had not seen it and claimed that her servant had seen someone whack the dog with a stick and it had crawled into this jungle zone in great pain (was also bleeding)
Sounded like a total emergency and had to be looked into right away. I tried to involve some other volunteer but that couldnt be worked out. So alone it was.
While I was driving over, I conjured up an image of what might have happened, and how the dog would be feeling (it seems to have happened in the afternoon). I actually worked out the whole rescue plan in my mind including involving our vet.
Yes I was anxious. More so since it was a new situation and also that it was supposedly in a hostile environment.
When I landed up there, sure enough, the lady showed me a dilapidated semi consructed deserted building of 1 floor and said that the dog is there. She was positive (and I too heard the wails). She graphically showed me how the dog was hit on the head and how it had crawled into the building (all this without her having seen the dog at all).
she convinced a young boy to show me the way to enter the zone (He had a partner who dropped out in fear). while walking to the ground, the boy asked me that whether I was sure that the wails were of a dog only and not "anything" else. Man he was scared for sure.
Anyways using my torch, I looked around the whole building and went through it. No sound. No wailing. Just eerieness. I have to say that a thought flashed my mind..."what the hell was I doing here, back of beyond, in the middle of a dark night, only with a small flashlight, not knowing what I was going to get into". after looking all over, I gave up and was walking back, when I heard this guy barking. Apparently he was in one of the locked flats (which I had not looked into). I went back up, opened the door to see this dog (totally healthy) sitting and growling at me as if I had locked him up :-). I left the door open and returned to my car. I was lucky to have not encountered any anti social elements hiding in the building (was an ideal getaway)
I had a tough time controlling my laughter and some amount of anger :-). This was a classic case of chinese whispers:
1. Truth: Dog got locked into the apartment accidently (probably had gone there to escape the rain) and was wailing.
2. The whisper: Servent heard the wails and cooked up a story.
3. The whisper: Told to the people in the society, who further added spice to it.
4. The whisper: Reached the lady who even could describe graphcially how the dog was hit on the head, had cracked its skull, and had crawled into the building.
5. The chinese whisper: Reached Resq, who was all over the place arranging for the operation.
Moral: We urge all our callers to simply state the facts and not interpret them for us. E.g. simply state that a dog is wailing since the afternoon. The sound seems to come from the building in the neighbourhood. You havent seen it. etc. On our part we learn to question more deeply before moving into an rescue.
I wonder why nobody tried to go and look on the dog in the day time :-)
A Word in by Neha Panchamiya ;)
I got a call at about 8:30pm from this one girl who was about to cry on the phone when she said there's a dog with a cracked skull. My first question 'are you there with the dog?' She replied...'no, its behind my friends house'. I told her to get her friend to call me. Now her friends father ends up calling me who doesn't seem to be as worried but says there is a dog somewhere that he hasn't seen but has heard. Then I hear the sound. It was scary. It was a painful cry. Only this time it turned out to be a cry of being locked up and isolated! Even though there was no cracked skull, I'm
glad Sunil did the call, because anyone else in his place would've left and gone....and that poor dog would've remained there - and probably died of starvation!
(Psst the end, I added something!;))
It was past 9 when we got this call. Neha called me and said that there was a rescue and the dog had a cracked skull. While I prepared to leave for the rescue to Hadapsar, we started discussing the course of action (was a totally new situation for us). In addition the caller mentioned that the dog was apparently in a dark, jungle area with tall grass so we had to be doubly careful while doing this at this time of the night.
Nevertheless, I called the lady and tried to assess the situation over the phone. Apparently she had not seen it and claimed that her servant had seen someone whack the dog with a stick and it had crawled into this jungle zone in great pain (was also bleeding)
Sounded like a total emergency and had to be looked into right away. I tried to involve some other volunteer but that couldnt be worked out. So alone it was.
While I was driving over, I conjured up an image of what might have happened, and how the dog would be feeling (it seems to have happened in the afternoon). I actually worked out the whole rescue plan in my mind including involving our vet.
Yes I was anxious. More so since it was a new situation and also that it was supposedly in a hostile environment.
When I landed up there, sure enough, the lady showed me a dilapidated semi consructed deserted building of 1 floor and said that the dog is there. She was positive (and I too heard the wails). She graphically showed me how the dog was hit on the head and how it had crawled into the building (all this without her having seen the dog at all).
she convinced a young boy to show me the way to enter the zone (He had a partner who dropped out in fear). while walking to the ground, the boy asked me that whether I was sure that the wails were of a dog only and not "anything" else. Man he was scared for sure.
Anyways using my torch, I looked around the whole building and went through it. No sound. No wailing. Just eerieness. I have to say that a thought flashed my mind..."what the hell was I doing here, back of beyond, in the middle of a dark night, only with a small flashlight, not knowing what I was going to get into". after looking all over, I gave up and was walking back, when I heard this guy barking. Apparently he was in one of the locked flats (which I had not looked into). I went back up, opened the door to see this dog (totally healthy) sitting and growling at me as if I had locked him up :-). I left the door open and returned to my car. I was lucky to have not encountered any anti social elements hiding in the building (was an ideal getaway)
I had a tough time controlling my laughter and some amount of anger :-). This was a classic case of chinese whispers:
1. Truth: Dog got locked into the apartment accidently (probably had gone there to escape the rain) and was wailing.
2. The whisper: Servent heard the wails and cooked up a story.
3. The whisper: Told to the people in the society, who further added spice to it.
4. The whisper: Reached the lady who even could describe graphcially how the dog was hit on the head, had cracked its skull, and had crawled into the building.
5. The chinese whisper: Reached Resq, who was all over the place arranging for the operation.
Moral: We urge all our callers to simply state the facts and not interpret them for us. E.g. simply state that a dog is wailing since the afternoon. The sound seems to come from the building in the neighbourhood. You havent seen it. etc. On our part we learn to question more deeply before moving into an rescue.
I wonder why nobody tried to go and look on the dog in the day time :-)
A Word in by Neha Panchamiya ;)
I got a call at about 8:30pm from this one girl who was about to cry on the phone when she said there's a dog with a cracked skull. My first question 'are you there with the dog?' She replied...'no, its behind my friends house'. I told her to get her friend to call me. Now her friends father ends up calling me who doesn't seem to be as worried but says there is a dog somewhere that he hasn't seen but has heard. Then I hear the sound. It was scary. It was a painful cry. Only this time it turned out to be a cry of being locked up and isolated! Even though there was no cracked skull, I'm
glad Sunil did the call, because anyone else in his place would've left and gone....and that poor dog would've remained there - and probably died of starvation!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Mission: Rescue Princess

The Call
On Friday evening we received a call on our ResQ hotline from Ashutosh in Sahakar Nagar, near Teljai tekdi saying that a dog has fallen off the edge onto a ridge, is safe but is stuck since there is no path for him to come up or go down. He tried to describe the "ridge" and we kept interpreting it as we imagined. He said it was a 8 foot drop to the ridge and that there was a pile of sand at the bottom which will break the fall of the dog if he decides to jump.
I was tempted to go and look at it, assuming that it would be a simple rescue, but It was late in the evening, and Ashutosh mentioned that it might be better to attempt this in the morning since it was a jungle area.
He mentioned that it was stuck there since 2 nights and 2 days and he has been feeding it. we decided that he would feed it tonight as well.
When Rupal was discussing the action plan with Neha around 8 PM, Neha instructed Rupal to take along all what we have, not clearly knowing what to expect in such a situation. It was a valuable input from Neha actually prompting us to be over-prepared. This includes a body harness, butterly net, rope, kit etc. We also decided that we must have a rope to support this operation. I rushed to a hardware store and bought 30 feet of a think nylon rope (initially I thought that since it was a 8 feet drop, 16 feet might be enough). In hind sight I feel glad I bought the 30 feet rope.
The operation
I was joined by Rupal, Niketa and Utkarsh to form a team of 4 along with Asutosh. When we reached the spot, I couldnt believe how we had imagined something so different from what we saw. This spot was on the tekdi (hill), on a vertical stone/mud wall of about 40 feet total. This dog was at about 15 from the top on a mud ledge, sitting peacefully. We assessed the situation, and evaluated several options...1. approach from the bottom (ruled out due to height and no way to climb), 2. approach from the left side...ruled out since no path or hold available to reach the spot...3. approach from the top...decided.
Asutosh mentioned that forest officials had come and had given up after a half hearted attempt to coax the dog out. They had no equipment and were least interested to follow through on the action. When we assessed the situation, not an iota of doubt crossed our mind that we were gong back without completing this rescue.

We went to the spot right above the dog. I looked around and found a small very narrow exposed path leading almost upto the dog. I decided to try it out. I decended and started carefully walking towards the spot. Was precarious. At about 10 feet from the dog, there was no foot hold and also nothing to hold on to. OK time to call out the equipment. I told my team to drop the rope so I can hang on to it. They secured the rope to a sturdy tree and dropped the rope, so I can hang on to it and move ahead. This way I managed to reach the dog. The dog was quite tired and drowsy already. She growled at me until I stood there and let her smell me. By then Rupal had created a sedation shot and a gauze muzzle and tossed it me tied to a rope. I quickly muzzled it, sedated it and let it pass out.
Now we pondered over how to pull it up. We tried first to harness it using a human body harness, but I soon realised that it wont work out...the dog might slip out. we then put it into our butterfly net which was tied to the rope, and the dog was carefully pulled up. What was happening on top, I wasnt too sure, except that they were doing a damm good job of coordinating with me.
Then, came the challenge to pull me out. I decided that it would be best to go back the same way I had come. But now the rope was wet, muddy (it had started raining), so I didnt trust myself to use it go back over the open fall area with no foot hold. I decided to use the body harness (thank god for that). Niketa expertly guided me to get into the harness, secure it tightly and passed the thick rope through the hook. Now very carefully I started to cross over towards the path...slipped just when I reached the spot, hung by the harness and simply was flung back right where I started, rolling along the mountain face, knocking my head, shoulder and what not else. Thank god that my team had the presense of mind to keep the rope taught. Must have been quite a strain for Utkarsh and Rupal to hang on to the rope to hold my body suspended in mid air. I got back my foot hold and we decided that I should go straight up, the same way the dog had gone.
Niketa gave me instructions on rappling, but I couldnt bring myself to let go and trust the rope. Mind you, this whole operation and all that we were doing (barring the muzzling and sedation) was a first time for all of us. They simply started pulling while I kept pushing my legs on whatever hold I got. At the top, Asutosh gave me a hand and dragged me up.
The result
Alls well that ends well. The dog was taken to the kennels and released back to the same locality by the evening.
The reprimand
In all that excitement, I had taken over completely. I took all the decisions including taking the dog back to the kennels despite having no space in the kennels. I took this decision, not clinically, but kind of assuming that the dog since its been out for 2 days and nights without water would be dehydrated and weak and would need medical attention. But at the volunteer meet, Neha made us realise that despite such a great effort to save Princess, we had violated basic protocol like not consulting the vet about the condition of the dog, not considering that we dont have space in the kennels, not considering that Asutosh could have looked after it for a day and released it himself (on site). I for one shall be more aware of this, for sure. She made us realise that in the heat of the moment, or excitement, we have to still be with the basics and follow protocol always.
Team work
Neha - for insisting that we be over prepared and buy the rope.
Rupal - for her continuous encouragment, helping to pull the rope, carry the dog back.
Niketa - expert guidance on use of body harness, rappling.
Utkarsh - For using his strength to pull Princess and me up.
Asutosh - for caring to standby the dog, call us, assist in the operation by handling the rope and pulling me up in the end.
Sunil - for taking charge, and directing the whole operation.
There was no ego play here. Everybody played to their strengths and complimented each other. It were 2 intense hours.
Power of Intent
The end was in mind. The dog had to be pulled out. We found a way. The universe/Divinity brought resources and conditions together to help this happen through us.
The dog was so beautiful.
We unanimously named her Princess.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Its raining, its pouring...

Sitting at my window watching the rain.
Garam chai, bhajiyas...perfect.
Then I look down, and see a little puppy running all over the street. The watchman in the building opposite mine is shooing the pup as he tries to enter the building for shelter.
...and my heart breaks.
I go down and speak to buildings secretary/chairman (I'm not sure who it was - but definitely someone who controlled the watchman I had a slighhhhttt arguement with!).
So I convince him to allow me to make a temporary shelter for the pup for 'just a few days'.
He's apprehensive...his reply to me, "Yeh kutta idhar sey nahi gaya toh??"
I say "Uncle, free mey security guard mil gaya na phir aapko?"
Uncle still looked very apprehensive. I promised him free medical check-ups and vaccinations for the dog and then he looked 80% convinced. I told him I'd look for a good family for him and try to re-home him if possible. He looked 99% convinced. I told him I'd make the temporary shelter myself. He was 100% convinced.
This is how I made it and this how you ALL can make it for all those puppy litters you see getting drenched in the rain. It takes very little effort and a lot of convincing to building society members. BUT...its worth it.
Steps to make a Temporary Shelter for pups
What you need:
- Big cardboard box (you can get this from us)
- Thick brown tape or any duct tape
- Large plastic shopping bags/ plastic sheets / garage bin bags
1) With the cellotapes stick the top closing flaps of the cardboard box to its sides to make the side walls of the box stronger.
2) Spread the plastic (bag or sheets) on the entire outer portion of the box and stick them with the tape. Atleast stick two to three layers of plastic to ensure that water doesnt creep in.
3) Tilt the box so that the open top acts like an entrance for the pup inside the box.
4) Place more plastic sheets over the box and pen down the sheets to the ground with some stones on the sides to ensure that the box won't topple over with the pup's weight.
5) Place this set-up against a wall so that it has support.
6) Place the pup inside and watch it curl up as it rests in peace.

Need help or need materials? Call us on our rescue helpline 9890334433
Neha @RESQ
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